Our Policies

At Island Meadow Arts we care about the wellbeing of our students.


We are thrilled to announce that this year we have partial scholarships available to families who would like to take classes and need a little assistance. The scholarship is limited so please contact us for more information. Send an email or text and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Sibling Discount

We generally offer sibling discounts. Please check individual classes for more information and contact us with any questions.

Credit and Refund Policies

If you have a questions or conners regarding refunds please email directly at hilary.alden.tobin@gmail.com

Make-up Classes

There are no makeup classes at this time.

Student Work

Most student work will go home with students the day of class. However sometimes this is not possible; work may not be dry or be part of a multi-class project or be included in an upcoming show. In these cases we will make arrangement with parents to pick up work at a later date.


If a class needs to be cancelled that week due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable events, we will send out messages to parents.

Registration Forms

All students must complete the necessary registration forms in order to join classes.

Illness Policy

Island Meadow Arts should be notified by phone or email if a child is ill. In consideration for others, please refrain from sending your child to the studio when they are not feeling well. We reserve the right to restrict admission or send a child home, when that child is ill or risks the health or well-being of other children and staff members. Please contact us to make special arrangements for a sick day make-up class.

Discipline Policy

Island Meadow Arts thrives to instill kindness, focus, creativity, and perseverance in students and their work. Students will work at their seats with the freedom to move about if necessary. There is a quiet reading nook for students who want to take breaks as well as various sensory and play stations. Consistent and clear rules are given and will be established and reiterated when needed. At Island Meadow Arts we use positive techniques to guide students, including logical or natural consequences applied in problem situations, redirection of children to more acceptable behavior, and the encouragement and modeling of appropriate behavior rather than comparison, competition, or criticism. We encourage sharing, teamwork, collaboration, and problem solving. Communication with caregivers is important to us and we will notify any problems that occurred in class at pick up or with an email. Island Meadow Arts reserves the right to dismiss a child for consistent behavior that makes it difficult or impossible for the staff to meet his/her needs and/or the needs of other children in the group. This will occur without a refund (or portion thereof) or credit towards a future program. This will occur only after parent/staff discussion has occurred.

Potty Training Policy

All children attending Island Meadow Arts are expected to be fully potty unless they are taking the caregiver/child class. We ask that families provide an extra set of clothes with pre-school students, if a child has a history of bathroom accidents. If an accident occurs during class hours, we will notify the student’s primary parent/guardian.

Policy on Electronics and Toys

Please do not permit your child to bring any of these items to class as they will be busy throughout the day and these items also tend to get lost or misplaced when brought to class. If it is necessary to bring a cell phone for communication with parents/guardians, we ask that it remain in a backpack during class-time.

Pick-up and Drop Off

We care about the wellbeing of your child so please have an authorized person for pick up.